How to be more productive at school

Paolo Perazzo Blog

With school about to start again, I thought about writing some tips for students on how to be more productive at school using Kyber app.

By making you more organized and efficient, Kyber helps students getting through one semester at a time and building, from the young age, good habits that will be very useful to succeed in their future career.
Let’s take a look on how to apply the power of Kyber to your student life.


Tracking class schedule

Knowing which class to attend, when and where is the very first step to do well (and stay admitted) at school. A lot of schools now offers downloadable calendars for each class that can be imported to your smartphone (look for .ics files for example and open it on your phone); if no calendar is available, spend few minutes to build it: you just need to enter a week worth of information and then simply use the Repeat option, to create recurring events for the whole semester; then share it with friends or whole school and you will be the new hero.

Kyber fully synch with the Calendar app, so all your classes will be imported and a reminder per event will be set, so you won’t even have to look at your calendar anymore: Kyber will promptly remind you (select a 15-minute reminder as default, so you have enough time to get to class).

Meeting deadlines

The other important part of doing well at school is to respect deadlines; adding reminders for when an assignment is due can help you being on track, not forget and visually plan for it. When you set one up, probably is a good idea to immediately add another reminder, one or more weeks ahead, to start working on the assignment: plan once properly and you won’t miss any deadline.

Reminders are of course very useful for normal chores, like buying school supplies or just milk. Kyber integrates with Siri, so you can easily speak them up in natural language and being then alerted at the right time: just hold your iPhone home button and say “Remind me to buy milk at 5 PM” and Kyber will send you a timely notification.

Doing homeworks

Then of course you have things to do and keeping the focus is one of the main problem for anyone, let alone young dynamic students. The best way to solve that is to first write down (or just speak as described above – it’s so easy!) all the things you have to do. Then here is where Kyber uses its intelligence to really help you.

When Kyber understands that you have too many tasks for today, it first encourages you to pick the most important to be worked on today, and to snooze all the others to following days. This step is critical: first, it helps you keep the focus on the important items; but, more importantly, it makes you feel accomplished at the end of day, as you will likely have completed a good portion (or all) of them.

Organizing your work

One useful way to keep you organized is to group tasks based on the topic. With Kyber, you can add each task to a List to create and manage an overall plan. For example, you can create a list for Computer Science or for Art Project and have all your classes and assignments in a single place. Of course you can also create a Personal list, a Grocery list, or just use the default list for any uncategorized tasks.

Managing team projects

It’s typical to work in groups on assignments, but it can be difficult to stay organized as a team: “who has to do this? did you do it? can you finish it? it’s done!” Kyber helps you with all of that. Each member of the team can assign tasks to others and be automatically informed when tasks are completed. In any team, there is always the guy that needs to be “encouraged”: with Kyber, a Follow up button lets you send a reminder to complete a task with just a tap so you make sure everyone is active and involved.

Suggesting what to do Next

What’s very powerful about using Kyber, is, as the name says, to always know what to do next. Do you have some free time between classes and wants to get something done? Did you get distracted and now don’t know what to do next? Just open the app and you will get a suggestion: maybe the last task you left off, or just a new one that you previously selected as important for the day. The app automatically updates as the day progress to always suggest what can be done between scheduled events, based on the time left in the day.

Of course Kyber can be used for any personal and social situations, but for those, you don’t need my suggestions. Feel free to download it and check it out!


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